During my introductory post on this blog, I implied that tabloid newspapers were completely and utterly 100 percent useless.
The very next day, I was sitting on the bus beside a couple of dishevelled old men, one of whom tore a page out of a discarded Metro (possibly the business section) and furiously blew his nose on it.
I stand corrected.
Elsewhere on the future of humanity, Guardian columnist and God among men, Charlie Brooker, has posted a characteristically optimistic New Year's message, in which he predicts unabated joy and happiness to spread forth among mankind in 2009.
Or not.
Mark my words, you'd be wise to practice your romancing skills now, because
when, circa October, we're huddled together in shelters sharing body heat to
survive, the ability to whisper sweet nothings could prove useful. Come the
dawn, you'll need to pair up with someone to go hunting for supplies with, and
it'll help if you've been cuddling all night. The world outside will be
dangerous, so there'll have to be two of you. One to root through the abandoned
Woolworth's stockrooms and another to stand outside warding off fellow
scavengers with a flaming rag on a stick.
Amen, Charlie.
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